Use "slink|slinking|slinks|slunk" in a sentence

1. Don't slink away without apologizing.

2. 1 I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey.

3. He slunk from college by...secret paths.

4. The dog howled and slunk away.

5. Then he slunk to the icebox.

6. The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile.

7. The thief slunk down the dark alley.

8. Should she slink around as if she disgraced herself?

9. Slink Remotely connect to your home network.

10. The cat slunk away into the darkness.

11. The dog slunk off to lick its wounds.

12. The rascal dropped his bold eyes and slunk away.

13. The dog slunk out when I shouted at him.

14. That's the only reason I slunk out of that place!

15. At the office , they slink into hallways, bathrooms, and stairwells.

16. It used to be that a business could slink out of town quietly.

17. It is him, so I don't have to slink away embarrassed, thank goodness.

18. Why should she slink about as if it were she who had disgraced herself?

19. Synonyms for Adorns include changes, slips, fits, dresses, sneaks, slinks, clads, creeps, dresses up and puts on

20. Yet Britain is not doomed to slink along the bottom of the European league.

21. "I need to go pay the nanny," he murmured as he slunk off.

22. A cat named Fred slunk past his legs as we headed for the bedroom.

23. Goneril slunk into the kitchen and wound her body like a fat skein of wool around my feet.

24. Note: At this moment, slink security updates for alpha and sparc are no longer being made.

25. You got the balls to do what you know is right, or do you just slink away?

26. I tried to slink out of the room so that nobody would see me go.

27. The man slunk off in shame, as Fey, shaking her head in disgust, kept complaining.

28. I slunk through the dealing room to Patterson's office and got there just as he did.

29. Hector, who had been gambolling about the porch, slunk in behind her, depressed by the angry voices.

30. Entries with "Afterbirths" slunk: …Juan the Afterbirth Tycoon.Made his in slunks during the war

31. As for the quacks, they slink around on the margins of the crowd when we hold village meetings.

32. 6 On scouting assignments, he developed a reputation for slinking around games, hiding out as if he were a CIA operative.

33. I forgot everything I ever knew about standing up for myself and, without argument, I slunk meekly into the night.

34. The old steward came hurrying up, huffing and puffing, but Carey snarled at him so he slunk away.

35. A narrow weaving crazy path Leads to a wooden gate, While cats slink along the wall From dusk until I wake.

36. Did you think that I would try to slink out of my rooms, like a rat in a passageway?

37. 24 She showed where Dot must watch across the ragged grass for when the fox came slinking through the bracken towards the hen-house.

38. Maitreya [all] Kalhene [all] Slink [Hourglass , Physique] Comes with both Female and Boy Bulge pants! HUD with:-20 denim textures

39. To find out what, one of us would have to slink down that narrow iron spiral staircase in the dark.

40. Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it. Baltasar Gracian 

41. (Again, this is “Billions.”) Last season, Taylor (Asia Kate Dillon) slunk back to Axe Cap in defeat, company in tow … a fate accepted in large part

42. Juliet's Coltish, little girl steps soon slink, like Prokofiev's undulating score, into something languorous and self knowing enough to convince us she is now a woman in love

43. Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.

44. I threw down the challenge and you Blobbered and blubbered about how you are winning and every one else is melting as you slink away with your tail between your legs

45. One by one, six of the seven leading ladies in Guido's life appearthrough a doorway high up in the rafters and slink down the stairs, positioning themselves languorously around the set.

46. ‘Though their sleek torsos and short, limber legs may seem Catlike, civet cats aren't really felines.’ ‘He breathed deeply before springing, Catlike and graceful.’ ‘Its muzzle and ears were Catlike and it slunk down the street with feline grace and fluidity.’

47. Pair of drawings show contrast between smiling immigrants arriving from Western Europe labeled with "honest industry," "thrift," and "loyalty" and scowling, slinking immigrants arriving from Eastern Europe labeled with "Bolshevikism," "crazy theories," "anarchy," and "freak ideas."

48. Then after the last general elections , when she led the Congress party to its worst defeat and slunk temporarily into the background , I stopped writing about her only to find myself accosted by strangers who demanded to know why I no longer wrote about Sonia .

49. The young man did not appear in the least Abashed by this remark.: For a moment I was Abashed and would have liked to slink out of sight.: It was a situation which might have Abashed a bolder ruffian.: I was Abashed at having made so great a mistake, and was glad to change the subject.: Poor Jo looked Abashed, and silently chafed